Dear coaches and GMs,

I know that draft night is a big night for you, and it’s definitely a big night for me and my family. I don’t take for granted what it’s going to mean to hear my name called on that stage. This isn’t just about football. It’s life changing.

So before everything is locked in, I just wanted to take this last opportunity to tell you a little more about my story. If you’re going to make a bet on me, then I want you to know where I come from, and why I play this game. 

It all probably starts with my Uncle Tanka. I wouldn’t be here writing this letter right now if it weren’t for him. When I was little, living in Miami, he told my mama that all she had to do was make sure I did good in school — that I didn’t have to worry about anything when it came to football, because he’d take care of all that. He didn’t play about it either. He was a comedian-type of dude, always cracking jokes and making people laugh. But, man, he was serious when it came to football. That was his passion. I remember I’d always get sad as a kid when I threw an interception. So if I turned it over and was looking down on the next play, he’d be telling me, “Stop all that crying, Ant, stop being a baby!!” He just didn’t want me to lose my confidence. But, yeah, football was always just a big part of the relationship we had. I remember we used to be down in Miami Gardens, throwing the ball in the street in front of my grandma’s house (never on the grass, though, because Grandma didn’t play that). 

We moved to Gainesville when I was in sixth grade. I think I was there for about a year, maybe, when my mom told me that my uncle was in the hospital, and he had passed away. I cried that whole day because I didn’t wanna believe it. The person that had introduced me to the game I loved was gone. Like gone gone. In my head, it was like, Now I got no choice but to make it. I know he’s up there looking down on me, and even though he can’t be here to push me, he doesn’t have to. I’M pushing me. I’m going to do it for him. At that point, I made a promise to myself that I was going to do everything in my power to get to the NFL.

I know a lot of y’all want to know if I’m ready to step onto a professional team. I keep hearing that the NFL isn’t like college. It’s a different level. It’s more mental. Nothing’s going to be handed to you. I can tell you right now, if that’s what it takes then I’m ready. All due respect, that’s nothing new for me — it’s the same in life. If you want to eat, you gotta work for it. I know all about that.