ESPN Syracuse personality Brent Axe was taken off the air and fired by Galaxy Media Partners for being too critical of the university's sports teams. And you don't have to take his word for it because his former boss came right out and said as much.

Galaxy President and CEO Ed Levine said he fired Axe because he believes the content of Axe’s show had become too negative toward Syracuse University sports.

“I had a problem with the content of the show,” Levine said. “I’m an SU fan. I’m sorry, but I bleed Orange. I’m not going to apologize for that, and I think a fair reading of the Orange is appropriate. I understand (Galaxy has) a business relationship (with Syracuse), that Coach (Jim) Boeheim and I are personal friends and he’s an investor in my company.

“I understand and acknowledge all of that. We’ve called it pretty fair, and I would argue we’ve been tough on SU when the on-field or off-field events warrant it. I just think over the past six months it took a different tone and became overly dark and negative. I don’t think that’s what Syracuse fans want to hear.”

It's a bold move to acknowledge that there are both personal and business relationships with Boeheim and yet brush away the impact they had on the situation. To hear Levine tell it, this all could have been avoided if Axe had covered the hometown team more like the Buffalo Bills, a franchise who is not in business with Galaxy.