Jim Harbaugh built his career on the game of football, first as a player and now as a coach. But what if the 59-year-old Harbaugh, approaching his ninth season as Michigan coach, had pursued another skilled trade? Tending to lawns would be Harbaugh's preferred choice, as he revealed in a recent interview with Sports Illustrated. 

"[I would be] a lawnsman!" Harbaugh told SI. "That's what I do. Mowing the lawn is one of the great feelings I have in life."

After reportedly making north of $10 million at Michigan in 2022, Harbaugh is hardly one who needs to mow his lawn by necessity. But in college football, any competitive edge is welcomed. And the two-time Big Ten champion Wolverines coach says mowing his lawn himself has some benefits pertaining to his coaching ability, all while he can save a buck or two. 

"It accomplishes three things," Harbaugh continued. "I'm clearing my mind or thinking of new plays; I feel good about what I accomplish; and I either make money or I save money."